
Thoughts on creativity, marketing, life, psychology, and other things I may be less qualified to write about.

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Career & Tech

Tales from an emotional woman on working in the Silicon Valley of Europe

Not the typical female appreciation piece for Women's Day — but there are enough of those. Instead, here's less flowery depiction of what it's like being a woman in Estonian tech.
March 8, 2023
Writing & Creativity

How writers, not just designers, build brands

Brands are how a company looks, thinks, and speaks. But in my experience, the focus is more on design and less on words. Here's why I disagree.
March 1, 2023
Psychology & Life

Living as two people, and how I found out I was neither

It's a uniquely painful experience to look at yourself in the mirror and have no idea who you are. I hope this story is at least interesting, and at best makes someone feel less alone.
February 27, 2023
Writing & Creativity

Q&A: AI and human writer discuss the future of creative work

Since AIs are advanced enough to speak for themselves, I discussed the future of work for writers with the now-notorious ChatGPT. Here's what we have to say.
January 30, 2023
Branding & Marketing

Thought leader or misinformer? How companies are ruining the internet

It's ridiculously difficult to find useful information and truth in the places you expect to find it. Opinion: the commercialization of content is to blame. Read more.
January 6, 2023
Career & Tech

Making it to the Top 4% of a Kaggle leaderboard and why I shouldn't be there

If there is only one thing I learned by doing this, is that I really don't know very much. Now that I've gotten that off my chest, here are the methods, mistakes, and lessons I learned while attempting my first ML models in R.
April 5, 2021