Photo of me, Sarah Hamid, looking much professional

Sarah Hamid

My Unsolicited Words,
Thoughts, and Ideas

Why I said goodbye to WordPress for custom-designed blogs

A brief rationale for ditching my WordPress-powered site and creating a new one using the R package blogdown and hugo.

Sarah Hamid

13-Minute Read

Why I said goodbye to WordPress for custom-designed blogs
Man throwing away WordPress logo

I’m not gonna lie, building a website, especially on a foreign framework, is time-consuming. Even the smallest of bugs can take hours to localize to a specific line of code or setting. Like most people who aren’t developers, I started with the best-known free option for building blog sites: WordPress. But the more I learned more about SEO and UX, the more agonizing WordPress was to work with. After a lot of hassle, I eventually trashed my old site and created this hugo-powered one.

Creating an interactive map in R for noobs like me

How I created a dynamic world map of the countries I lived in, visited, and traveled through using the R packages ggplot2 and ggirafe.

Sarah Hamid

6-Minute Read

Creating an interactive map in R for noobs like me
Interactive map using ggplot2 and ggirafe in R

I traveled a fair bit over the years, and have always been curious about just how much of the world I managed to cover. Well, what better way to illustrate my travels than to create an interactive map visualization in R.

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This is the little corner of the web that’s mine. One where I don’t need a style guide or stakeholder approval to hit publish.